Wednesday, 13 July 2011

has the worm begun to turn?

I have long accepted the evil, monopolising power of the supermarkets in destroying town centres and their shops. It is sad fact of life that we have less choice of food, which invariably is of poor quality, but somehow no-one puts up much resistance. Apathy rules.

It was appalling how our political leaders, MPs and Lords, greedily and illegally abused their expenses and got away with it. People howled with outrage but after a while and a few prison sentences the same bunch are back at Westminster. This was an opportunity wasted.

I was horrified how, after the worlds criminally rapacious bankers destroyed our economy, we have, by and large, placidly accepted that the debts incurred are ours! And we grumble but allow governments to impose financially harsh regimes upon us - for instance, cutting back on health, pensions, schools etc yet maintaining our full commitment to Trident nuclear missiles!

But maybe the worm is turning????

The vile scandal of phone hacking by the News of the World reporters, the cover-up and corruption of the police involved and the wider moral decay within Rupert Murdoch's empire seems to have galvanised the British public into a state of outrage. All three political leaders have united today in supporting the House of Commons call for The Dirty Digger to refrain from gobbling up BSkyB. It maybe that Rebekah Brooks will have to resign; maybe Andy Coulson will face prosecution; maybe a few police chiefs will take early retirement. Maybe.

The French people once lost their patience at being grotesquely abused. Their answer was the guillotine. It would be nice to dream of Murdoch leading a procession of bankers, politicians, footballers, policemen towards the tumbrils. But I doubt it'll happen.

But maybe..

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